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| | . and unreliable. by Robert Gates, of the Obama . |, but anyone paying attention over the last five years already knew fails to get critical military and foreign-policy matters right.| is yet another example of the administration's flawed thinking, as it agreed to reduce sanctions on in return for not much of anything. in its nuclear efforts, but nothing of lasting consequence. This is the sweetheart deal we give to a regime that has aided attacks on our troops in Iraq and by our own .|Iran's president, Hassan Rouhani, took to Twitter to declare that "'s will." It's difficult to argue, although he did break that says if you want to keep bulldozing the other side, |it's better not to gloat. The U.S. negotiators broke a fundamental rule of foreign policy, the one that says a government like Iran, which kills its own people and abets terrorism, can't be trusted to keep its word.|We can hope the U.S. discussions with Iran, but experience gives reason for pessimism. , nations in the area to add similar capabilities. If this administration finds it difficult , Iran will pose.| "red line" fiasco, in which we saw the president struggle to extricate himself from his threat to punish Syria if it used poison gas, to Congress and then, when it was clear Congress wouldn't lead, by handing the matter off to Russia. , |but there were no doubt . And, don't think this n, Pyongyang and other capitals, including perhaps Beijing. that President Obama's second term will be no better than his first, characterized by a critical , terrorists and other adversaries see American weakness as a green light to bad behavior. Early on, we saw Mr. Obama's penchant for downplaying America's contribution for good in the world. There was his 2009 reneging on our nation's promise of missile defense assistance for , |done in a failed and Vladimir Putin. We saw exit strategies for Iraq and and costly progress, of 2009 and the Arab Spring. " in Libya set the stage for Benghazi.| or in the Constitution as ensuring a strong national defense. In today's world, and principled resolve that administrations of both parties projected during the Cold War. Our allies must know they can rely on us, and our enemies must respect us and fear . |Foreign policy will always be difficult and often entails choosing the least bad option. , the Obama administration has too often fallen short.The second annual Prototype Festival, a 12-day and music theater produced by Beth Morrison Projects and the arts center HERE, was even more ambitious than last year's inaugural event. , including four fully staged chamber operas that are designed to tour, |Prototype hopes to encourage presenters to bring projects by new and unusual . a lower-risk path to presenting edgy, contemporary work than mainstage commissions. Last week, with Beth Morrison Projects that will bring touring operas to Redcat, | at Walt Disney Concert Hall, starting with David T. Little's "Dog Days." |